Enter Photo Competition

Hi, please sign in or register to enter the Selfie Competition.

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So that we don't need to use your first name when displaying your competition entry, please provide us with your preferred nickname.

Please enter nickname
It appears we don't know your nickname
Please enter nickname

Competition Rules:

Natural, ‘in public’ style shots are generally what we are looking for but other creative, quality images will be considered.

You may submit new sets of pictures as many times as you wish.

  • Submissions that are not selected will be deleted. We reserve the right to reject submissions without explanation.
  • By submitting material to Wicked Weasel you acknowledge acceptance of the site terms and conditions and that you agree to let us publish your picture on our site.
  • Models must be 18+ years of age.

Please let us know the sizes you are wearing and any other information you think viewers might enjoy.

Please make your images at least 960 x 960 pixels. 

That’s it! If you win we’ll let you know and send you a $150 USD Gift Certificate.

Be advised that by submitting your content to the Wicked Weasel Photo Competition it is bound by our privacy statement.